These are some of the projects that I'm most proud of. I've built them to learn new technologies, or to solve a problem that I've encountered.
Fully Functional Ecommerce Web Application having Three Roles available : Visitors, Users, & Admins It contains JWT Token Authentication, NodeMailer with MailTrap for sending password reset email User can add products in the Cart, and has functionality to Place an Order to their Location and also write their Reviews on the product also having Stripe Payment Gateway for Digital Payments Additionally, Integrated ADMIN have access to DASHBOARD where he can Add Product, update it, Keep track of Users, Reviews, Also Admin can Process Orders
Social Networking Site that enables users to share their experiences as pictures and videos Implemented features include uploading posts (images and videos), Like posts, and Commenting on posts with User Authentication using Google OAuth as well as Email and Password.
Using flashcards is one of the mosts common study methods, and it is the one many students are most familiar. Flashcards help students to engage in active recall or a process wherein students actively engage in learning by stimulating our memories and creating lasting connections to the material which has mainly 3 pages :- ->> Create Flashcard Page ->> My Flashcards Page ->>Flashcard Details Page
This project contains Shopping Cart application using React JS along with the usage of Context API for the Global state management of the application, and Styled with Tailwind CSS, In this project I learned about React Inbuilt Global State Management tool called Context API, as it an inbuilt functionality of react it is very lightweight doesn't unnecessarily increases the size of whole package